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February 23, 2016

Jackal and The Elephant

jackal and elephant story
In a deep forest a elephant and a jackal were living. They were good friends. They were sharing their food at the time of need. There was a river passing through the jungle they were living. There was a village the other side of the river. The land of that village was very fertile. All the villagers of that village were farmers. They were growing sugarcane in there land.

One day the elephant and the jackal were drinking water in the river. They saw the huge sugarcane fields. The elephant said, “Dear jackal let us go to the other side of the river and we will eat sugarcane there”. The jackal saw the other side of the river and said, “My dear elephant sugarcane is testy and we can eat that but how can we go to the other side. I don’t know how to swim?” The elephant laughed and said, ‘quite simple. I know how to swim and you will sit on my back’. The jackal appreciated the idea. They decided to cross the river in the evening.

At the time of sunset they came to the bank of the river. The jackal climbed the back of the elephant. Then the elephant went in to the river and started swimming. They crossed the river easily. After reaching other side of the river they started eating sugarcane.

They ate bellyfuls. They took rest near the sugarcane field. At that time the jackal started howling. He didn’t stop in spite of elephant’s request. By listening the howling all the sugarcane farmers rushed to that spot. Seeing the farmers the jackal hides himself in the sugarcane field. When the farmers saw the elephant they started beating him. They beat him mercilessly and drove him towards the river. Afterward all the farmers left that that area.

When jackal saw all the farmers have gone he came out from the sugarcane field. He went near the elephant. After seeing the jackal the elephant asked why he did suck kind of mischief. Why he put him trouble? The jackal said, “It is his usual practice to howl after a good meal”. He had no any ill intention to put the elephant in trouble. He requested the elephant to go back to the forest.

They started their returned journey. While at the mid river the elephant started dipping himself. The jackal got scared. He requested the elephant not to do like this. The elephant did not stop dipping and said it is his usual practice to dip himself in the water after a good meal.    

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